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關於人生短短幾個秋歌詞的評價, 曲家瑞

兩個月前的一個晚上,我一個人在家附近夜市吃晚餐,手機響了,是姐姐打來的,電話那端傳來的是:媽媽跌倒了!ㄧ時還沒回過神:什麼意思?姐姐說:媽媽站不起來了。 顧不得碗裡才吃了幾口的米粉(我知道事情不對了...

關於人生短短的評價, 陳妍希 Michelle

始終覺得人生短短,希望能多看,多走,多感受。小小的行李箱,曾經承載著我大大的夢想☁️☁️☁️。愛是越分享越多的,願這份愛能伴隨你走遍這個世界❤️❤️❤️ 【人生行李箱-陳妍希】 我人生一次重要旅...

Holding those tiny little Doraemon hands and feet in my hands, it feels just like a few weeks ago. Now look at them! All jumping and swinging! Kelip-kelip mata few more times, I bet he will be jumping smashing and ngorating. Reminder to self, Never take the tiny little things for granted. They are often the most precious. 人生短短几个秋 啊 不醉不罢休 是时候把我所学所会传授于他们了😎

Holding those tiny little Doraemon hands and feet ...